Saturday, October 19 at 3:30 p.m.
Please join us on October 19 for a celebration of nature and cultural heritage through the Kaqchikel language.
Join us for the presentation of Guacamayas, the latest documentary by FLAAR. Narrated in Kaqchikel with Spanish subtitles, this film immerses viewers in the captivating world of macaws, iconic symbols of Mesoamerican culture, now facing threats to their survival due to habitat loss in the tropical regions of the Americas. The screening is presented in partnership with the Foundation for Latin American Anthropological Research (FLAAR).
The event is free. To reserve your spot, please email or call / send a WhatsApp message to +502-7882-4612
At 4:30 p.m. we will continue the afternoon through a gathering to celebrate Kaqchikel poetry and tales.