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    Lissie Habie: A Life in Pictures

    Cristian Viveros Fauné

    Guatemalan Photographer Lissie Habie (1954-2008) began her photographic career at age thirty-two. An avid collector of nineteenth-century photography, she immersed herself in the study of various techniques and processes, while attending workshops given by well-known photographers such as Duane Michaels and Jerry Uelsmann. In time, she developed her own distinctive photographic style based on dogged experimentation and a devotion to a highly expressive brand of poetic pictorialism. A brilliant photographer, passionate collector, and committed humanitarian, Habie fought bravely for the union of art and life on many fronts. This publication brings together two decades of her photographs, alternative prints, assemblages, and sculptures.

    Essay by Christian Viveros-Fauné



    Regina José Galindo

    Published within the framework of the exhibition Grito: Regina José Galindo, exhibited at La Nueva Fábrica in 2022. Contributions by American philosopher and gender activist Judith Butler, Maya K’iche’ Kaqchikel poet Rosa Chávez, Guatemalan writer Arnoldo Gálvez Suárez, Guatemalan feminist curator Maya Juracán and Slovenian curator Yasmín Martín Vodopivec

    Bilingual, English and Spanish.
