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    Hellen Ascoli

    1 MAR - 8 MAR, 2023

    In our next workshop to be held on Wednesday, February 22 at 2 pm in person and via Zoom, the artist Hellen Ascoli will teach three different ways of braiding threads using our bodies, in this case our hands and feet. This technique can be used to make bag handles, bracelets or necklaces, or any craft detail. The idea is to assemble the braid from our big toe, with the intention of leaving a record of our footprint.
    Free admission workshop part of the Common Fabric program of Lab de Futuros de Mi Calle Nuestra Calle in La Nueva Fábrica.
    To participate you will need yarns of different colors. To attend digitally click for the Zoom link. To attend in person, go to the reception of La Nueva Fábrica 10 minutes before the start of the event.