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    Maria Fernanda Carlos

    14 AUG - 18 SEP, 2022

    A girl cannot choose to be a mother. From 2020 to 2022, more than 176, 914 girls between 10 and 19 years old were registered pregnant, many of them abused in their own homes.

    The need to name this brings us to the multiple voices that clamor for legislation on a woman’s body, but there are no severe laws that defend the violations and violence that a woman’s body is subjected to from an early age.

    The responsibility is intergenerational, recognizing the violence that our ancestors were subjected to is a wave of the same sea. The artist works with multiple generations of mothers, bringing the cooing as an audible clamor to the call of memory, those who remind us of a bond between our mothers, in this case are presented as a denunciation of the girls who were forced to take motherhood as an option.

    Maya Juracán